Кристаллы для лазерного меча
AB: 2 = Attack Bonus: 2 - (gives a +2 to every attack roll)
DB: Energy, 1d6 = Damage Bonus: Energy, 1d6 - (example: you're using a short lightsaber, 2-12 base energy damage. With this crystal, it would become 3-18 energy damage)
BBD: +4 = Blaster Bolt Deflection: +4 - (Blaster Deflections are cumulative and stack)
Название кристалла | Обычные модификаторы | С «Сердцем Стража» | С «Мантией Силы» |
Bondar | On Hit: Stun 25% vs. DC10 for 1 Round | On Hit: Stun 25% vs. DC14 for 2 Rounds | On Hit: Paralyze 25% vs. DC14 for 2 Rounds |
Damind | AB: 3 | AB: 3, DB: Energy, 2 |
AB: 1, DB: Energy, 1 Regen Force Points: 2 (Currently not working) |
Eralam | AB: 2, DB: Energy, 2 | AB: 3, DB: Energy, 3 | AB: 3, DB: Energy, 3 |
Firkrann | AB: 2, DB: Ion, 2d6 | AB: 3, DB: Ion, 3d6 | AB: 3, DB: Ion, 3d6 |
Jenruax | DB: Energy, 2, BBD: +5 | DB: Energy, 2, BBD: +7 |
Dexterity +1 DB: Energy, 2, BBD: +5 |
Krayt Dragon Pearl | AB: 3, DB: Energy, 2 | AB: 3, DB: Energy, 1d8 | AB: 4, BBD: +3 |
Luxum | AB: 2, DB: Ion, 1d6 | AB: 3, DB: Ion, 2d6 | AB: 3, DB: Ion, 2d6 |
Nextor | AB: 1, Keen | AB: 1, DB: Energy, 1 | AB: 1, DB: Energy, 1 |
Opila |
DB: Energy, 3 Massive Criticals: 2d6 |
AB: 2, DB: Energy, 3 Massive Criticals: 2d6 |
AB: 2, DB: Energy, 3 Massive Criticals: 2d6 |
Phond | DB: Physical, 1d6 | DB: Physical, 1d10 | DB: Physical, 1d10 |
Rubat | AB: 1, DB: Energy, 1 | AB: 2, DB: Energy, 2 |
Regen Force Points: 3 (Currently not working) |
Sapith | AB: 2, DB: Energy, 3 | AB: 3, DB: Energy, 4 | AB: 3, DB: Energy, 4 |
Sigil | AB: 1, DB: Energy, 1d6 | AB: 2, DB: Energy, 1d8 | AB: 2, DB: Energy, 1d8 |
Solari |
AB: 3, DB: Energy, 3 DB: Physical, 1d8 vs. Dark Side Light Side Only |
AB: 2, DB: Energy, 1d10 BBD: +4 Light Side Only |
AB: 4, DB: Energy, 1d8 DB: Energy, 2d6 vs. Dark Side Light Side Only |
Upari | AB: 3, DB: Energy, 1d8 | AB: 4, DB: Energy, 2d6 |
AB: 2, DB: Energy, 1d6 BBD: +8 |
The Most Powerful Combinations:
Light Side Players: Solari + Upari
With a normal 2-16 saber, and not using the Heart of the Guardian or Mantle of the Force, the damage becomes 6-27 Energy, +1d8 Physical vs. Dark Side, with the almost unequaled +6 to attack.
With a normal 2-16 saber, and with the Heart of the Guardian, the damage becomes 5-38 Energy, +6 to Attack, and +4 Blaster Bolt Deflection.
With a normal 2-16 saber, and with the Mantle of the Force, the damage becomes 6-42 Energy vs. Dark Side, and 4-30 Energy vs. everything else, with +6 to attack, and an incredible +8 to Blaster Bolt Deflection.
Non-Light Side Players: Upari with your choice.
Blaster Deflection: With two sabers, this can become amazing: Heart of the Guardian + Jenruax + Solari = +11 BBD. Mantle of the Force + Jenruax + Upari = +13 BBD, for a virtually impenetrable blaster barrier of +24.
Vs. Droids: Firkrann + Luxum adds 3-18 Ion Damage with +4 to attack to a normal saber. With either Heart of the Guardian or Mantle of the Force, this combo adds an astounding 5-30 Ion Damage on top of the energy damage, with +6 to attack.
Manic Force Regeneration: Mantle of the Force + Damind or Rubat + your choice = an almost inexhaustible force point well at +2 or +3 to regeneration. Believe me, it counts. (Well, it would count. In fact, I believe these two regeneration crystals to be bugged, and not working entirely. Perhaps a patch will fix that. I've let BioWare know about the issue. Corrected the «cumulative» error previously posted.)
Personal Favorite Using 2 Sabers:
1st Saber: Mantle of the Force + Solari + Damind on a 2-16 saber = 6-37 Energy vs. Dark Side, 4-25 vs. everything else, +5 to Attack, and the amazing +2 Force Point Regeneration (which I now believe is bugged to have sadly no effect, and otherwise would be very noticeable). You may also add the Rubat instead depending on what class you play. Guardians may wish to add the Rubat for +3 Regen, but Consulars, with their already high force point total, might be better off opting for the added attack and energy of the Damind.
2nd Short Saber: Heart of the Guardian + Krayt Dragon Pearl + Upari with 2-12 base damage = 5-32 Energy Damage, with the heat-seeking +7 to attack.
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